More than just gardening.

I have found that working in the Lavender Plot is not like regular gardening. After just a few moments of working with the shrubs I find myself slowing down and relaxing. I truly think that the lavender scent casts a bit of a spell and I find myself falling into a calm state. Casually removing weeds and trimming stems, I listen to the bees buzzing and talk to the shrubs as if there could hear me. Maybe they can?

This spring we planted some bare root phenomenal shrubs. And overall we have been very encouraged by their progress. At first we were concerned whether or not that they were going to make it through the transplant process. But after a few weeks they began to green up and have since produced a plethora of stems. As you may recall from my previous blog, the first year lavender stems need to be cut back in order to refocus the plants energy from the buds to the roots. We want the shrubs to develop deep roots so that they can survive the winter. We have high hopes that these plants will be big bloomers next summer!

Watch the attached video to see how we trim the buds back . . . you might be surprised at how zen I sound as I describe the process . . . just the magic of gardening lavender.


Fall Pinecone Wreath Kit Video Tip #4


Lavender at King Pine Farms